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72 in top 100 & all in top 10 AIR pick IIT Bombay

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Seventy-two of top 100 JEE (A) rankers have chosen IIT Bombay , with Delhi following with 23. And in a perfect 10 for the Powai campus, all top 10 rankers have decided to study computer science at the institution. Data shared by IIT Madras at the close of admissions for the 2024-28 batch shows of the top 500, 179 chose IIT-B, 109 Delhi and 69 Madras. While 16 of the top 500 girls arrived in Mumbai, IIT Kharagpur did not get a single top-100 student, reported.

IIT-B and computer science emerge as JEE toppers' picks

MUMBAI: Newcomers to the elite technological club of the country seem to have made a clear choice: 72 of the top 100 JEE (Advanced) rankers have selected the IIT Bombay campus. Another 23 chose IIT Delhi, and two picked IIT Madras.

The clamour for computer science at IIT-B among the cream of the lot went up a notch to touch a perfect 10 - all the top 10 all-India rankers in JEE are joining the Powai campus. Twenty-four of the first 25 and 47 of the top 50 followed suit and picked the college over other technology schools at the close of admissions for the 2024-28 batch.

Each year, the demand for quality engineering education throws up a disproportionate number of applicants at the computer science department of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. A look at the admission forms filled by those who qualified in the JEE (Advanced) 2024 shows that one of two put down computer science at IIT-B as one of their top choices.

Data shared by the Indian Institute of Technology Madras shows that of the top 500, 179 chose IIT-B, followed by 109 choosing IIT Delhi, and 69 picking IIT Madras.

Last year, 67 of the top 100 got a seat in IIT-B, though computer science at IIT-B was the first choice of 93 of the top 100 rankers. Classes for freshmen have started at the IITs. "I am proud that IIT Bombay remains the preferred destination for most of the top rankers in the JEE (Advanced) examination," IITB director Prof Shireesh Kedare said.

On each IIT campus, the top 100 students are considered the icing on the creamy layer. About 30 years ago, IIT Kharagpur was the engineering mecca. The oldest IIT of the country, however, did not receive a single student from the top 100 this year.

"While Bombay and Delhi were still building themselves, Kharagpur's students had already occupied top positions in big companies. Students looked at Kharagpur's illustrious alumni and rushed there. Now this has changed," a former JEE chairman said.

Kanpur ruled the charts after that. A decade ago, admission to IIT-Kanpur ensured demi-god treatment.

It is no longer the case. IIT-B alumnus Vishal Misra, vice dean of computing and AI at Columbia Engineering, was recently at the Columbia Global Center Mumbai. Asked why IIT-B is the top choice for many, he said: "It's the best. As an alum, I have to say that it's the best, for multiple reasons. I think being in Mumbai helps a lot too."

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