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A Note Of Enlightenment To Enrich Your Thoughts

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The mind is always given to thoughts. Just as the blood in our body is constantly in circulation, the lungs breathe in and out, and the mind, too, will always be given to thoughts. It is the very characteristic of the mind to produce thoughts incessantly.

Thoughtfulness is the nature of the mind. What is thoughtfulness? Whatever we call the mind, it has the nature of linking the past with the present and then projecting into the future. The future itself flows out of the present, and the present has evolved from the past. So, our mind continuously links the present with the past and future. In this process, memory has a dominant role.

What is memory? Memory is the mind's stock of the events that have taken place already. It is impossible to remain interactive in this world unless the mind is active. Our lives will become meaningless. Can you imagine what may happen if we have no memory? So, the mind will be in a constant state of circulation between the past, present, and future.

Ensure this: There should be a note of enlightenment and enrichment in all the thoughts that arise in your mind. Thoughts that involve victimising and agitating are not welcome. Whenever these thoughts come, you should feel free to let them know. Mind is unphysical, metaphysical. You cannot physically enter the mind and do anything. So, dissuade these thoughts. If you go on dissuading the undesirable thoughts, after some time, finding that they are ineffective, their number will be reduced and finally, they will become extinct.

How can this be achieved? Suppose the mind goes on thinking about a subject for a long time. After some time, the mind will feel tired and become quiet. When the same job is done with concentration for a few hours or days, after some time, you will become tired and stop working. Similarly, after continuously thinking for a long time, the thoughts in the mind will reduce, become lighter and feebler and gradually reduce, naturally.

What is required is a progressive transformation of the mind , as a result of which good, useful and enlightening thoughts will alone come.

The best way to deal with the mind is to remain unaffected by thought processes. Never feel antagonised or confronted by mental functions. Consider them useful, necessary, and indispensable. Recognise their nature and then encourage useful, benevolent, and peaceful thoughts and dissuade others.

Dissuade whatever is undesirable. Gradually, they will stop coming. But it will take time depending on your mental makeup, your attitude and assiduous nature of your application. Similarly, encourage the thoughts that generate and preserve sublimity. This is the right treatment to the mind and not trying to quell, stop, or control the mind. We want to remain unaffected by whatever the mind does. Control is never the means with regard to the mind and its functions.

Another approach is: Go on tracing the thought to its origin and try to look for the thinker. Every thought should lead you to its source. That is also a method whereby from thoughtfulness, you can be led to thought-freeness.

Authored by: Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

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