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Why am I feeling irritable? Common causes of mood swings and how to manage them

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Mood swings and irritability are common emotional reactions that might be brought on by hormone fluctuations, stress, or sleep deprivation. Momentary outbursts, annoyance, or impatience over trivial matters are characteristics of irritability, whereas mood swings involve abrupt changes in emotions such as melancholy, anger, or happiness. These emotional swings may have an impact on relationships, output, and general wellbeing.

According to Ruchi Sharma, Psychologist, Manipal Hospital, Dwarka, “Frequently, underlying causes of these emotions include exhaustion, poor food, and even mental health issues. Restoring emotional balance requires understanding the causes and using appropriate coping strategies to manage them. Early resolution of irritation can promote peace and better mental health.”

Feeling irritable is often one of the first signs we may notice in case of a mood disorder. It can be due to several reasons:

* Physical pain or having fever/ disease
* ⁠Endocrine changes - PCOD, thyroid dysfunction, pregnancy, menopause can all lead to mood changes
* ⁠Mental health issues- Depression, Anxiety, OCD, Substance addiction can all lead to mood changes
* ⁠Interpersonal conflicts/ Disturbances in social life can lead to stress and in turn mood changes can occur
* ⁠Disturbance in sleep/ appetite can result in irritability
* ⁠Personality factors- Some people may be more prone to feeling irritated and easily upset than others


Some ways to manage it:
* Maintain a health work-life balance
* ⁠Maintain sleeping, eating and exercise schedules
* ⁠Drink water at regular intervals
* ⁠Socialize with people in-person, not on social media
* ⁠Avoid using substances such as cannabis or alcohol for uplifting mood
* ⁠Seek professional help if self help doesn’t seem to be enough

Meditation practices may help

According to Ma Dhyan Prachi, meditation facilitator, Osho Dham, “To manage mood swings and irritability, Osho's meditation offers a transformative approach. Begin by practicing dynamic or Kundalini meditation which involve active phases like deep breathing, catharsis, shaking and dancing to release pent-up emotions. This physical expression helps you connect with your inner self and clear emotional blocks. Following this, engage in stillness with passive meditations like Nadbrahma, Anapansati yog, zazen, allowing you to observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment.”

Regular practice of these meditations cultivates self-awareness and emotional balance. Additionally, integrating moments of mindful breathing throughout your day can help maintain calmness and reduce irritability. Embrace the process as a journey towards deeper self-understanding and inner peace.


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