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Lunar Eclipse 2024: Tips for pregnant women to follow on Chandra Grahan

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The world will witness a major celestial event on September 17. A lunar eclipse, a partial lunar eclipse, will occur in a day. This striking phenomenon will be one of a kind because this is a full supermoon and there will be an eclipse.

As per NASA, the full moon will reach peak illumination in the United States on Tuesday, Sept. 17, at 10:35 PM E.T. NASA says the moon will appear full for three days from Monday evening to Thursday morning. Lunar eclipse is a natural phenomenon that occurs when the Earth passes between the sun and the moon. This causes the Earth's shadow to fall on the moon, making it appear darkened and reddish.

Read more: Lunar Eclipse 2024: What to eat and avoid during Chandra Grahan 2024

While there is always excitement about celestial events, there are religious and traditional connections that make it important. In many cultures, pregnant women are not allowed to see the eclipse. Experiencing a lunar eclipse, or Chandra Grahan, can be a fascinating celestial event, but for pregnant women, it’s important to take some precautions to ensure their well-being and that of their unborn child, ancient scriptures have said. While there is no scientific evidence suggesting that a lunar eclipse directly impacts pregnancy, many people prefer to follow this.

Read more: Lunar Eclipse 2024: How it will impact on your health

Pregnancy is a time of heightened sensitivity, and stress can have an impact on both the mother and the baby. During the lunar eclipse, it’s beneficial to create a serene environment. Avoid any activities or conversations that may cause anxiety. Instead, engage in calming activities such as reading, listening to soothing music, or practicing gentle meditation. This helps ensure that you remain relaxed, which is beneficial for both you and your baby.

Some say the energy surrounding the area may be affected by lunar and solar eclipses, and so following certain customs would be comforting. For example, in some traditions it is said not to cook and eat during this eclipse, and it is believed that things might turn against the individual who does this. These findings are not scientifically proven, but if such practices were part of one's culture, but many stick to them for a sense of reassurance and comfort.

One must take care of the diet during the time of lunar eclipse. Proper diet; with lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains supports health and well-being. Hydration is very essential as well. Pregnant women should continue drinking as much water as they can be well hydrated and not dehydrated due to any period.

Make sure to get enough rest during eclipse. An eclipse often coincides with disruptions in sleep patterns so having good sleep is very important. Make yourself comfortable in bed and practice relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or prenatal yoga, to enhance your sleep quality.

Consult with your doctor if you have specific concerns or unusual symptoms during the lunar eclipse. While the eclipse itself unlikely is a direct cause of any problem, it is always a good idea to get some professional advice or opinion if you have health concerns within the context of the pregnancy.

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