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Yoga Tips: Both men and women can do these four yogasanas, fertility will increase

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Healthy fertility is essential for both men and women, especially when you are planning a child. Due to today's fast lifestyle, stress, wrong eating habits and lack of physical activities, many people are facing problems like reduced fertility. However, doing yoga regularly not only reduces stress, but it can also help in improving reproductive health. Yogasanas help in increasing blood flow in the body, maintaining hormonal balance, and improving mental and physical health. Let us know some yogasanas that can be helpful in increasing fertility for both men and women.

Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar consists of nine exercises which consist of different asanas. Doing it every morning helps in weight loss. Surya Namaskar keeps the body fit and active like exercise, which helps in overall weight loss.

Bhramari Pranayama
Bhramari Pranayama is beneficial for high BP patients along with improving fertility. It improves sleep at night and reduces stress. This asana prevents heart blockage. To practice this pranayama, sit in a quiet and airy place and close your eyes. Now, keeping the index fingers on both the ears, close the mouth and inhale and exhale through the nose only. Pronounce Om while exhaling. Repeat this process 5-7 times.

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

To practice Paschimottanasana, sit straight on the asana. Extend the legs and keep the back straight. Bend downwards while taking the hands straight up. Slowly bring the head towards the feet and stay in the whole position for 15-30 seconds. This asana helps in reducing belly fat and strengthens the muscles of the back, waist and legs.


Hastapadasana helps in making the body flexible and reduces the tension around the stomach. This asana reduces belly fat. The muscles of the lower back get stretched and relieve pain.

To practice Padahastasana, stand straight and bend forward by bending the waist. Keep both the feet together and try to touch the heels with the hands. Now try to touch the knees with the head. During this, keep taking long and deep breaths. Try to remain in this posture for 15-20 seconds.

(PC: Freepik)

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