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Relationship Tips: If you are troubled by mother-in-law's taunts, then adopt these 5 tips

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''Have you not learnt any work from your home?, Has your mother not taught you anything and sent you?, You do not know anything, learn work from my daughter......'' These things may sound small, but they hurt the heart deeply. New brides often have to face such taunts in their in-laws' house.

Even though the time has changed a lot, even after this, in many houses, the head of the house i.e. mother-in-law is making the life of the daughter-in-laws difficult by taunting them.

She does not miss a chance to humiliate her daughter-in-law in every small matter. Many times these taunts even raise questions on the upbringing of the parents. In such a situation, you will find the solution to this problem in this article. If your mother-in-law also taunts you after marriage, then you can get rid of it by adopting some methods.

Be patient
If your mother-in-law also taunts you, then first of all stay calm on hearing the taunts and think before reacting. Sometimes emotional reactions can worsen the situation. In such a situation, definitely be patient and avoid responding.

Reply correctly
If your mother-in-law is taunting you a lot, then talk to your mother-in-law with respect. Do not take her taunts as a personal attack, but try to understand the situation. Along with this, reply to her politely using the right words.

When your mother-in-law gets tired of taunting, then talk to her positively to reach the root of the problem. There may be some misunderstanding or some old worry, which she is expressing through taunts. Talking can solve every problem.


Set boundaries in advance
If you are feeling uncomfortable with your mother-in-law's taunts, then respectfully clarify your boundaries. You can tell her without any confrontation that such things hurt you. By doing this, she will definitely think before saying anything.

Take your husband's support
If these taunts are disturbing your mental health, then do not ignore it at all. In such a situation, you can take your husband's help. To resolve the matter, talk to your husband sensibly so that he can give you emotional support. Explain to him what effect the taunts are having on you.

(PC: Adobe stock)

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