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Maharashtra Administration Expands Community Radio To All State Prisons Following Pilot Success

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Mumbai: The Maharashtra administration issued a government resolution recently permitting the establishment of ‘community radio’ in all state prisons.

The decision came after the success of a pilot project across select prisons in the state. The government observed a significant positive change in the behaviour of prisoners, which prompted the decision to expand community radio to all jails.

The initiative will soon be implemented in nine central jails, 31 district jails, 19 open jails, one women’s prison, and 172 sub-jails. According to an IPS officer, earlier, non-profits were involved in supporting this effort. However, after the GR, all expenses for setting up community radio in jails will be covered by government funds.

The primary purpose of ‘community radio’ is to provide prisoners with information about the outside world, as well as entertainment. It also allows prisoners to showcase their talents. The jail administration provides a platform for prisoners to sing, which helps reduce stress and creates a more positive atmosphere. The radio show is operated by prisoners within the jail and is broadcast exclusively inside the prison premises.

Dr Jalindar Supekar, Special Director General of Police (Prisons and Correctional Services), said, “Our ‘community radio’ activity was successful, and we saw positive changes in prisons, which led the government to decide to implement it in all jails in the state. Studios have been set up in every jail. This FM-type program will be broadcast only within the jail premises. The primary aim is to reduce stress among prisoners. We conduct this programme every morning and evening, and we encourage prisoners to select songs with patriotic or social themes.”

The official said the authorities have identified prisoners with singing talent or experience hosting shows and given them the responsibility of running the community radio. In some jails, female prisoners are taking on the role of radio jockey.

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The concept of community radio is already operational in major prisons across the state. Actor Sanjay Dutt was involved as a radio jockey while imprisoned in Yerwada Jail. The radio mainly features patriotic and informative songs. Inmates submit their song requests in a box, and the following day, those requests are played.

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