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Would you choose the corporate grind or life on a farm? Netizens share their thoughts

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Most people want to have a job that makes them happy and have a good work-life balance , and they strive for it their whole life. But considering the fast-paced world we live in and the hectic schedules people have, it seems to be a distant dream for many. More recently, a post regarding this has garnered much attention on social media. It makes one ponder over what leads to true happiness-- the lure of the corporate world or the simple farm life.

In a recent tweet, Blackmarsh Homestead , which is the official profile of a family living on an isolated farm in the Croatian lowlands, asked their followers a simple question which soon sparked an online debate amongst netizens. Their tweet which was posted on September 15 read, "Would you rather make spreadsheets in someone else's office, or haul manure on your own farm?" and within 48 hours of being posted, it got roughly 5 million views and some 900 comments (and counting).

This simple question about what kind of lifestyle one would prefer soon became a topic of debate amongst many. While the post got mixed reactions by people, it surely made one think about what true happiness means to them. Here's what some of them said:

Commenting in favour of working in the corporate world, X user named Triode replied, "Spreadsheets hands down. People romanticize farming but it’s not that great having to milk cows every day at the same time rain or shine, or if you’re sick or well. Weeding gardens on your hands and knees is back breaking work." While X user Menandros said, "I would rather not tire heavily my back and my arms again. Don't romanticize harsh manual labor, it's more gruesome than you believe and it will leave you absolutely destroyed."

Another X user Curt K jokingly said, "At least hauling manure on your own farm you know how much shit you'll have to deal with."

Talking about the many benefits of working on a farm, X user 3Sheepinatrenchcoat wrote, "It doesn't matter who's farm it is, I'd take the manure any day. When compared to the exercise, meditation, and just overall freedom that comes with working outdoors, working in an office is a miserable affair. We weren't designed for it and it destroys both mid and body."

Whereas, X user Mapple shared his views on striking a fair balance between the corportae and farm lives. "Done both, going back to spreadsheets (and IT in general) fulltime and parttime farm management ;) It's a great way of life and can work if you either don't need much money, or have a ton of money and can do it at a huge scale. Smaller scale and big mortgage etc doesn't work :)".

Joe Coco, another X user, shared that his dream job is to have his own farm. "I was an investment advisor for decades. I only did it so I could retire early, buy a farm, and grow my own food. Farming is in my blood. It is almost magical producing food from your own land".

Another X user Emma shared how her parents used to destress by being on the farm every summer. "I see Finnish on her top! I think in my case, it's a two wolves kinda thing. My parents had high ranking executive corporate jobs, but during the summer leave they'd chop firewood, renovate, carry water to the sauna, forage & empty the outhouse at our summer house for months."

Netizens' mixed reactions to the post shows that while some people would prefer grinding in the corporate world and making more money, others would choose to have a simpler life on the farm. Well, to each their own as long as it makes them happy.

What are your views on it? Would you rather grind in the office or work on the farm? Tell us in the comments below.

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