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How a two-page CV helped this techie land a job at Google straight after her Masters!

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Want to land a job at your dream tech company? Sometimes, all you need is just a two-page CV to get the interviewer’s call! Contrary to popular belief, long resumes may not really find favour with the hiring manager. Recently, a techie explained why her precise, to-the-point resume which summarised her qualifications and work experience succinctly landed her a job at tech giants such as Google and Microsoft!

Taking to LinkedIn, Sonakshi Pandey, a software engineer revealed how she gained her dream job right after her Masters. She revealed how, inspired by a YouTube video, she decided to make a switch from software development to solution architecture at Amazon Web Services. The position involved more public speaking and client presentations. After five years of experience, she decided to apply to Google and Microsoft in 2021.

“I was very shy, very introverted. I used to wear my headphones and code for eight hours straight,” she told Business Insider. One day, she stumbled upon a YouTube video where a tech expert was speaking about databases in depth. She admired his confidence. “I want to exactly do what this guy is doing: I want to go on a stage and I want to talk confidently in front of a bunch of people,” she wrote.

She also revealed two things made her stand apart - her experience in blogging for her company and volunteer work.

While working at Amazon Web Services, she authored blogs for Amazon's cloud computing page. She believed that contributing to a prominent platform like the company website was instrumental in highlighting one's expertise.

Sonakshi Pandey is currently a data and product manager at Google Seattle office, according to Business Insider.

She holds a degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Mumbai and an MA in Computer Science in University Of Texas, Dallas.

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